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Below is a list academic programs focusing on issues of public address, civic participation, political communication, and the presidency.

The Program in Presidential Rhetoric at Texas A&M University
sponsored by the Department of Communication

The Program in Presidential Rhetoric is a research unit in the Department of Communication at Texas A&M University. It is devoted to research on all aspects of the presidency that involve the use of language and symbols to influence public beliefs, attitudes, values, or actions.

Dr. Kurt Ritter
Department of Communication
TAMU 4234
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4234

phone: 979.845.5518
email: kurt-ritter@tamu.edu

The Center for Political Communication and Civic Leadership at the University of Maryland
sponsored by the Department of Communication

The Center for Political Communication and Civic Leadership at the University of Maryland unites research, education, and public engagement to foster democratic communication by a diverse people.

Dr. Shawn Parry-Giles
Department of Communication
2130 Skinner Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-7635

phone: 301.405.6527
email: sp172@umail.umd.edu

Political Communication at The Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania
sponsored by the Annenberg School for Communication

Established in 1994, the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania conducts and disseminates research, hosts lectures and conferences, and convenes roundtable discussions that highlight important questions about the intersection of media, communication, and public policy.

Dr. Kathleen Hall Jamieson
The Annenberg Public Policy Center
3620 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6220

phone: 215.898.7041
email: fkj@upenn.edu

Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Participation at The University of Texas
sponsored by the College of Communication

The Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Participation was established at The University of Texas at Austin in 2000 to respond to growing political cynicism and disaffection in the United States.

Dr. Roderick P. Hart
Annette Strauss Institute For Civic Participation
Lake Austin Centre, Suite 2.316
3001 Lake Austin Boulevard
Austin, Texas 78703-4200

phone: 512.471.1959
email: rodhart@mail.utexas.edu

Center for Public Speaking and Civic Engagement at Penn State University
sponsored by the Department of Communication Arts and Sciences

The goal of the Center for Public Speaking and Civic Engagement is to help undergraduate students grow
as communicators and citizens by helping them
develop their reasoning and speaking abilities.

Dr. Rosa A. Eberly
Department of Communication Arts and Sciences
234 Sparks Building
Penn State University
University Park, PA 16802

phone: 814.863.0867
email: rhosa@psu.edu

Program in Rhetoric and Public Culture at Indiana University
sponsored by the Department of Communication and Culture

The Indiana program in Rhetoric and Public Culture focuses on the development of rhetorical theory for the analysis and critique of democratic discourses and practices. We examine how rhetorical transactions constitute publics and counter-publics, articulate identities, and mediate conflict under conditions of social diversity and political pluralism.

Dr. Robert L. Ivie
Indiana University
Dept. of Communication and Culture
Mottier Hall (Ashton Center)
1790 East 10th St.
Bloomington, IN 47405

phone: 812.855.5467
email: rivie@indiana.edu

Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies at American University
sponsored by the School of Public Affairs

The Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies (CCPS) is located in the nation's capital at American University. Under the sponsorship of the School of Public Affairs, CCPS provides an integrated teaching, research, and study program focusing on Congress and the presidency and the interactions of these two basic American institutions.

Dr. James A. Thurber
Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies
Ward 109
American University
4400 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 20016-8130

phone: 202.885.6247
email: thurber@american.edu
